Report generated by sto275 on Wed Mar 24 15:27:10 2021
24 seconds
Path = Q:/3_Land_suitability/0_Working/Uta/Roper/Models/struct.mod.3.rds
Type : Classification
Number of trees : 500
Sample size : 2575
Number of independent variables : 40
OOB prediction error : 0.134757281553398
Class Values
2 3 1 4
Class Levels :
1 2 3 4
Confusion Matrix
true 1 2 3 4
1 134 113 1 0
2 36 2050 8 0
3 0 139 42 0
4 1 44 5 2
Clim_rainsum Relief_demcrop
0.0345068632 0.0323109997
Clim_PTRX Clim_PTA
0.0245114981 0.0225042056
Clim_TNM Clim_ADM
0.0220068274 0.0207278465
Clim_tdayann Clim_minwin
0.0187931261 0.0169163488
Clim_varan PM_Gravity
0.0158886051 0.0135584797
PM_radmap_v4_2019_filtered_pctk_GAPFilled PM_Weathering_Index
0.0118183641 0.0098916360
Relief_mrvbf_int PM_Silica
0.0095102875 0.0088896298
Relief_mrrtf6g.a5_1s Landsat30Bare_1
0.0085630085 0.0082980845
Veg_FPAR_Mean PM_radmap_v4_2019_filtered_ppmu_GAPFilled
0.0081780219 0.0069811877
Soil_Smectite PM_radmap_v4_2019_filtered_ppmt_GAPFilled
0.0065525010 0.0063027017
Relief_focalrange1000m_1s Soil_Kaolinite
0.0061059327 0.0059490322
Landsat30Bare_5 Relief_focalmedian300m_1s
0.0053839419 0.0050000402
Landsat30Bare_2 Landsat30Bare_6
0.0049225831 0.0045459503
PM_Magnetics Veg_FractCover_Mean_BS
0.0042625076 0.0040355753
Landsat30Bare_4 Relief_focalrange300m_1s
0.0038810130 0.0038622583
Landsat30Bare_3 Relief_mrrtf6g_1s
0.0038196455 0.0035171661
Relief_slopepct1s Veg_Persistant_green_Veg
0.0034141212 0.0028158356
Soil_Illite Veg_FractCover_Mean_PV
0.0026967501 0.0024745633
Relief_twi_1s Relief_profile_curvature_1s
0.0018259040 0.0009246126
Relief_aspect_1s Relief_plan_curvature_1s
0.0005083968 0.0001832700