VAS API 2.0 Documentation (DRAFT)

An overview of the main VAS API endpoints. The CCMA collection is public data so no authentication is required to access it. If you have a JSON-viewer extension installed in your browser, you should also be able to navigate between most id.cerdi URIs.


Feature Endpoint (geojson) - all features for CCMA collection

Used for efficient map display

Sample response (1 feature)

    type: "FeatureCollection",
    features: {
        1: {
            type: "Feature",
            id: 1,
            geometry: {
            type: "Point",
            coordinates: [
        geometry_name: "hasGeometry",
        properties: {
            feature_id: "",
            feature_type: "",
            feature_name: "ccma.soil.feature.1",
            feature_label: "0-10 cm",
            site_code: "1",
            context_jobnumber: ""

Feature Endpoint (JSON-LD) - all features for CCMA collection

Sample response (1 feature)

The hasFeatureRelationshipTo and hasFeatureRelationshipFrom allow a feature model to be built up from any feature response.

    @graph: [
        @id: "",
        @type: "",
        name: "ccma.soil.feature.1",
        provider: "ccma",
        inDataset: "",
        description: null,
        prefLabel: "0-10 cm",
        altLabel: "1",
        hasGeometry: {
            @type: "gsp:Geometry",
            gsp:asWKT: "<> POINT(143.733932 -37.559189)",
            description: "1_C1"
        depth: {
            upperBoundary: {
                @value: 0
            lowerBoundary: {
                @value: 10
            unit: {
                @id: "",
                label: "Centimetre"
        upperDepth: 0,
        lowerDepth: 10,
        hasFeatureRelationshipTo: [
                @id: "",
                @type: "",
                natureOfRelationship: "part of"
                @id: "",
                @type: "",
                natureOfRelationship: "same as"
        hasFeatureRelationshipFrom: [
                @id: "",
                @type: "",
                natureOfRelationship: "same as"
        hasFeatureConstituents: null

Feature Endpoint (JSON-LD) - Single Feature


Observations Endpoint (JSON-LD) - Single observation from CCMA dataset

@graph: {
    @id: "",
    @type: "Observation",
    name: "ccma.soil.observation.699",
    provider: "ccma",
    inDataset: "",
    phenomenonTime: {
        @type: "",
        @value: "2015-02-11T14:51:13"
    resultTime: {
        @type: "",
        @value: "2015-02-11T14:51:13"
    usedProcedure: {
        @id: "",
        @type: "Concept",
        name: "Exchangeable Calcium procedure",
        label: "Exchangeable Calcium procedure",
        notation: "EXCH-CA",
        description: "A procedure for measuring Exchangeable Calcium"
    soDepth: {
        soMinimumValue: {
            @value: 0
        soMaximumValue: {
            @value: 10
        unit: {
            @id: "",
            abbreviation: "cm"
    observedProperty: {
        @id: "",
        @type: "Concept",
        name: "Exchangeable calcium",
        label: "exchangeable calcium",
        notation: null,
        description: "exchangeable calcium"
    hasFeatureOfInterest: {
        @id: ""
    hasUltimateFeatureOfInterest: {
        @id: ""
    hasResult: {
        numericValue: 21.69,
        unit: {
            @id: "",
            abbreviation: "meq.Hg",
            label: "MilliEquivalent per HectoGram"
    hasSimpleResult: 21.69,
    ufoi_id: 14

Example request query (based on ODATA spec) for all observations related to a feature/features>>"@id".eq.,hasUltimateFeatureOfInterest->>"@id".eq.

Convenience API's

Used to populate lists and dropdowns in User interface. Work in progress. These are all in need of review and tidying up.

VAS Datasets by provider/collection

Observed Properties
